SMT’s Five Second Reset

If I had only 30 seconds with a client before a bout, this is exactly what I would walk them through.

Why? Because this quick practice works across the board. When we can reset our nervous system, all other parts of coaching and training are able to be absorbed and utilized. But when we’re stressed, nervous, and on high-alert, any sort of coaching or guidance might as well go in one ear and out the other.

So let’s start here—with my classic “five-second reset.” Try it yourself, and if you are the parent of a fencer, I recommend calling them over and seeing how this helps them. This 2 and a half minutes is something they can put in their toolbox for all future fencing, along with something that will easily carry through in to all areas of their life.

This isn’t just for fencing competitions. Clients have used this before big exams, school interviews, and even to overcome anxiety about needles at the doctor’s office.

I’ll be checking in during the next few days and I’d love to hear how this has worked for you (or your fencer).